Innovative solution to re-use filter bags


recycling sign on card board

A continuous effort to reduce waste streams

In our efforts to conserve resources and reduce our waste streams, we are now able to extend the lifetime of our filter bags at several Lhoist plants in Southern Europe. This is thanks to an innovative solution brought to us by one of our suppliers. Instead of buying new filter bags every 5 years, we are now able to clean our filter bags so that their initial performance is restored. This allows the filter bags to last up to 15 years before having to replace them.  

Thanks to the success in our plants in Southern Europe, the solution is currently considered in other regions/divisions.  

Benefits in a nutshell

  • Reduce waste streams 
  • Increase of lifetime 
  • Optimization of maintenance cost and safety 
  • Energy savings (power) 
  • Reduction of stoppage period 

Date of publication 19.10.22