Lhoist plans to produce the first low-carbon dolime

Date of publication 28.05.24

Press release - Marche-les-Dames, 28 May 2024

The Lhoist Group, one of the world's leading producers of lime, dolime and mineral solutions, aims to produce the first low-carbon dolime at its Dolomies de Marche-les-Dames site, where the Group has been present since 1937. This project, called GLOBE, is part of Lhoist's commitment to an ambitious policy of decarbonizing its activities. The fight against global warming is a European priority, with a target of a 55% reduction in greenhouse gases by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2050.

Cutting-edge technology to significantly reduce CO2 emissions

GLOBE would represent the first major investment in the construction of an industrial kiln for dolime production designed to operate in Oxyfuel mode. The latest generation of kilns helps maximise the energy efficiency of dolime manufacturing while using oxygen during combustion. The resulting gas is rich in CO2, making it easier to capture and transport.

GLOBE is a long-term project, divided into two phases. Firstly, Lhoist aims to start up the kiln and its dolime storage and loading facilities in 2027. This innovative kiln will initially run on natural gas and will then be fuelled by sustainable biomass from wood, ensuring a 15-30% reduction in CO2 emissions in the first phase of the project.

Then, from 2031, the carbon capture technology would be installed so that the CO2 could be transported to a secure storage site in the North Sea. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology is an essential solution for reducing greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. This technology could reduce CO2 emissions by 80%.

An investment of over €250 million in Wallonia


" This planned investment of more than 250 million euros over the two phases of the project is in line with our ambition to decarbonise our activities and offer our customers efficient, low-carbon solutions. It also demonstrates our local roots and our commitment to the economic development of Wallonia. In addition to its positive economic impact, our project would generate skilled jobs, which are necessary for the optimal operation of this state-of-the-art equipment. "

Portrait of Christian Deconink
Christian Deconinck

Director of Industrial Transformation - LWE

Preliminary information meeting

As part of the implementation of this project, a preliminary information meeting will be held on 21 June 2024 in Namêche. This meeting is the first stage in the permit application procedure. Its purpose is to inform the public about the project and to initiate the environmental impact study.

Lime and dolime are essential solutions for the world, today and tomorrow

The dolime produced at Marche-les-Dames is used extensively by the steel industry to refine steels by reducing their content of impurities such as phosphorus and sulphur. It also improves the energy and refractory performance of this equipment, optimising its productivity and reducing its carbon footprint. It is therefore an essential product for the transition to green steel production.

Moreover, lime and mineral solutions are also essential: the world as we know it today would be inconceivable without lime. Glass, screens and photovoltaic panels, the batteries in your smartphone and electric vehicles, water and flue gas treatment, the steel that structures houses and buildings... all these applications – and many more – require lime.

“For decades, the Marche-les-Dames site has been the cradle of innovative initiatives in the dolomitic solutions sector, actively contributing to local industrial development. Building on this heritage, we continue to evolve, invest in sustainability, and strengthen our impact within the local community, affirming our position as a reliable and responsible industrial partner with family roots in Belgium,” concludes Christian Deconinck.